Welcome to the City of Humble Council Meeting
Appearance Signup Form for Posted Agenda Items
Regular City Council meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall, unless directed otherwise by the City Manager, Mayor, or City Council.
To speak on a posted agenda item, a written request must be submitted to the City Secretary by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the City Council meeting. Requests can be submitted using one of the following methods using the prepared “Appearance Form for Posted Agenda Items” provided or the online submission form below. Public comments on posted agenda items are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker and are taken in the order they are received. The Citizen Comment period, held during each Regular Meeting, is limited to a maximum of thirty (30) minutes.
1. Email: CitySecretary@cityofhumble.net
2. In Person: City of Humble, City Hall, Attention City Secretary Department, 114 W. Higgins St., Humble, TX 77338
3. Online Submission (continue scrolling down to access the form)
For comments or concerns about non-agenda items, please submit them in writing to the City Manager by using the “Have a Question? Send us a Message” form available from the Contact Us webpage.
Have questions?
Contact the City Secretary’s Office at CitySecretary@cityofhumble.net or call 281-446-3061 if you have any questions.