Understanding Our City’s Government
Known as the “Council-Manager” form of government, the city of Humble includes a number of elected positions.
- The Council is the community’s legislative body and is composed of the Mayor, five elected Council Members, and City Manager.
- Each Council Member is elected for a term of two years.
- The Council has a vote in decisions related to City affairs. The Council shall enact ordinances, adopt budgets, determine policies, appoint the City Manager, and execute other powers and duties as prescribed by the City Charter.
Office of Mayor
- The Mayor is also elected for a two-year term.
- The Mayor shall preside at meetings of the City Council.
- The Mayor shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are or may be conferred and imposed upon him by the City Charter and the City Ordinances.
- The Mayor shall be recognized as the head of the City Government for all ceremonial purposes, by the court for civil process and by the government for purposes of military law.
Office of City Manager
The purpose of the Office of City Manager is to provide plans, controls, directions, and coordination to the activities and functions of all City departments, resources, personnel, capital, and projects of the City.
- The City Manager attends all council meetings and offers advice on matters before the Council but has no vote on actions taken. With the exception of matters reserved to the Council by law or the City Charter, the general authority for personnel management rests with the City Manager, who may delegate authority as necessary and proper.
- The City Manager exercises leadership in maintaining effective communication between the City Council members, City employees, and the citizens of Humble. As the City’s Chief Executive Officer, the City Manager helps develop the City’s goals, implements policies, and oversees legislative processes.
- The City Manager also formulates, reviews, and submits the annual budget to the City Council for adoption. This office helps to preserve and enhance the quality of life for the Citizens of Humble.
- The City Manager also performs other duties as assigned by the City Council.