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What to do if you receive a Notice of Violation

What to do if you receive a Notice of Violation

How much is the civil penalty?

The civil penalty is $75.00 for each offense. After the due date, a late fee of $25.00 will be added to the civil penalty.

How much time do I have to pay my Notice of Violation?

You must pay the civil penalty by the due date on your Notice of Violation. The due date for payment is located on the top and bottom right of your Notice of Violation.

What are my options?

1. Pay the civil penalty.

  • Pay Online. Logon to by entering your Notice number and Pin number shown in the red box on the front right of your notice.
  • Pay by Mail. Mail your check or money order (payable to the City of Humble) in the enclosed envelope along with the coupon printed at the bottom of the reverse side of the notice. The mailing address for the payment processing center is:

          City of Humble
          Photo Enforcement Program
          P.O. Box 742503
          Cincinnati, OH 45274-2503

  • Pay by Credit Card. Call toll-free 1-866-790-4111 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST.

2. Contest the violation.

You must schedule an administrative adjudicative hearing on or before the due date listed on the top and bottom right of your notice in order to request a review of your Notice of Violation before an adjudicative hearing officer as detailed in the ordinance. To request a hearing, sign the coupon on the back of the violation and mail it in the enclosed envelope.

3. Submit an Affidavit stating you were not driving the car.

If your vehicle was stolen or sold at the time of the violation, or was being test-driven by another person, you may submit a sworn statement to that effect to the Court to rebut the presumption that you were not driving the vehicle at the time of the violation. You may obtain an Affidavit of Non-Liability by visiting or by clicking here. This affidavit must be filled out accurately and in its entirety, and it must be notarized. Mail the Declaration and pertinent information to: City of Humble, Violation Processing Center, 209 W. Main St., Mesa AZ 85201

Visit to view information about your Notice of Violation. You will be asked to enter your Notice number and PIN number which are found on the front of your Warning or Notice of Violation, in the upper right or left corner, inside the red box.