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Pet Care

Pet Care & Health Codes

Dogs Running at Large

It shall be unlawful for any owner to allow or permit his dog to run at large upon any public or private property within this city.
Texas Health and Safety Code Sec. 10-67.

Running at Large

The running at large within the city; of livestock and fowl is hereby prohibited and herein declared to be a nuisance; and anyone owning, controlling or having responsibility for the control of any of the above-named animals who knowingly permits such animals to run at large within the city shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Texas Health and Safety Code Sec. 7-4


Running at Large means:

(1) When applied to fowl, means not restrained securely within a fence, cage or other enclosure, or by other suitable restraint.
(2) When applied to livestock and dogs, means not under the control of the owner by a leash, chain, cord or other suitable material attached to a collar or harness; or not restrained securely within an enclosure or fence.

Texas Health and Safety Code Sec. 7-1

Destruction of dangerous, vicious dogs

Any dog found at large after the owner thereof has previous knowledge or notice that such dog has engaged in vicious conduct as defined in V.T.C.A., Health and Safety Code § 822.013 may be killed by any police officer of the city without such officer having to catch or impound such dog.
Texas Health and Safety Code Sec. 10-68

When keeping declared to be a nuisance.

The keeping of livestock, fowl, dogs or cats within the city in such manner or under such conditions as to cause the spread of germs liable to produce disease or noxious odors or noise hazardous or dangerous to the public health, or which cause discomfort to the inhabitants of the locality wherein the same are kept, is hereby prohibited and declared to be a nuisance. (Code 1973, § 6-3)
Texas Health and Safety Code Sec. 7-3

Collar, tags must be worn

It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain or keep a dog more than four (4) months of age on any premises within the city unless the dog wears a collar or harness securely attached to its body to which shall be securely attached a tag issued for the dog by a licensed veterinarian, licensed to practice veterinary medicine in the state, showing that the dog has been, within the current calendar year, vaccinated against rabies, and also securely attached to the collar or harness a license tag showing the dog has been licensed by the city Public Works Department.
Texas Health and Safety Code Sec. 7-80


Any owner who shall maintain or keep a dog more than four (4) months of age on any premises within the city which has not been licensed and vaccinated as required by this division shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Code 1973, § 6-51)
Texas Health and Safety Code Sec. 7-71