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The City of Humble Street Department manages the conditions of city streets, bridges, drainage, and more. We oversee new construction and rehabilitation of streets and drainage. The City of Humble’s streets and drainage system covers approximately ten (10) square miles that serve a population of 15,133. 

Street Department Includes the management of:

  • City streets
  • Bridges
  • Drainage ditches
  • Storm sewers
  • Street lighting
  • Traffic control signals and signs
  • Mosquito spraying
  • Street sweeping
  • Trimming limbs from right-aways

Superintendent: Jarred Thomas

Foreman: Vince Allen

Phone: (281) 446-2327

E-mail: jthomas@cityofhumble.net

The Street Department staff is dedicated to providing the highest quality and cost-effective solutions for street maintenance, drainage, and infrastructure services. The Department staff conducts a complex schedule of regular maintenance in each of these areas and responds to problems as they occur—sometimes on an emergency basis. In addition, our team oversees new road construction and the rehabilitation of streets and drainage.

If you need assistance or need to report a problem, please contact the Public Works Department at (281) 446-2327.