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Water Operations

Tommy Hosler, Water/Wastewater Operations Superintendent
Louis Johnson, Water/Wastewater Operations Foreman

The City of Humble’s water operation systems is owned and operated by the City of Humble. The systems serve approximately ten (10) square miles and a population of 15,133. The City’s water is obtained from five (5) water wells and the City has five (4) pumping facilities. Also, the City has four (4) elevated storage tanks.

In addition, the City obtains surface water from the City of Houston. The Department provides the City’s customer quality water that meets or exceeds the state and federal standards through the efforts of highly trained employees that are licensed by the TCEQ.

The Department is continually making necessary improvements to maintain the quality of water that is needed to meet all the regulatory requirements. The City’s Water system has been rated by the Texas Natural Resource Commission as a Superior Water Supply.